Sunday 15 January 2012


Not so much a post, more a poem. Still grappling with a whole different foundation for work. I know there are rational, pyschological challenges but something in me has shifted in relation to the job....and these lines express the sense of possibility. I don't know how it will work out in practical terms and I do know that it is a challenge to live, love and work like this but I am now willing, open to grace, and listening to the Voice for Life within me.


Supposing I really did my job as an expression of love.
Supposing when I set out to visit a client, I intend to be a channel of love.
Supposing I intend to bless them, without ever using the word.
Just suppose.
Supposing I regard every parent, every colleague, every manager, every child, and myself
as being an essential piece in the Cosmic Jigsaw.
Would I start the week with a different attitude?
Would I be grateful for the opportunities I have to serve?
Would I be confident that I will be able to make a difference?

Supposing that every problem is a call for more love,
and that every problem has a solution, because love cannot fail.

What if my real task is to allow a miracle of love to unfold,
quietly, powerfully, peacefully.

What if all I need to do is say, yes, I am willing...
and I forgive
the system
the frantic busyness,
the open plan office,
the ridiculous bureacracy,
the faults and failings of others....
Because I know that they are just human beings too,
on a journey as I am.

What if I remembered
that everyone can be stressed, frightened, tired, and disheartened.

How would I speak then?
What would I say?
What would I do?

Supposing I am blessed to know who I really am...
How would my work change?
How would my life change?

I wonder if there is no need to suppose any longer....?

 Supposing it is no longer possible to dream or hope,
What then?     (Update 18.08.18)

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